Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Mouths Of Babes

So while the boys were here this weekend they said some hilarious stuff. The best part is that they don't even realize how funny it is. It was Sunday morning and I was in my room on the computer. Bryce came in to ask me something and I could hear Trevor in the living room talking WAY louder than neccisary (not surprising I know). So I said "Bryce, could you please tell Trevor that I need him to use a quieter voice?" Bryce said he would and as he walked out my door I heard him say "Trevor, mom said to shut up!" Oh my it was sooo funny. Tyrel is pretty funny too, he is very sarcastic but I can't fault him knowing where he got it from. While driving to Boise after picking them up the twins were fretting that we were going to run out of gas. I told them not to worry, if we did I would make Ty get out and push the van. Ty came right back with "You better watch it Grandma cuz when you are old I will drive you out to the highway and drop you off. That's right, I went there." Oh boy, I can't wait to see what comes next from them!

1 comment:

Carlson Clan said...

one of them was me this time (not bigfoot, ty)