Friday, May 29, 2009

Trevor's Trip, In Review

My computer has been acting up more often than not, so instead of the daily posts, I will do one quick recap of each fun filled activity that Trev and I experienced this last week.

At the movies (Night at the Museum), Trev ate a giant tub of popcorn almost by himself.

Smelling a rose at the Rose Garden in the Julia Davis park right before we went to the zoo.

Getting eaten by a tiger at the zoo; we had so much fun and couldn't get from one exhibit to another quickly enough for Trev.

Thumbs up for the cake he made with a little help, he ate most of it too!

And finally, today we went to a different park and were delighted to see the fountain was on. Trev was wishing we had our swimsuits but I pointed out we didn't need them! The cold water spraying over the sides felt great since it was like 86 degrees outside. We spent about 2 hours just walking around, playing ball and frisbee, and relaxing.
All in all it has been such a great time having Trevor here all by himself. Tomorrow we meet dad in Twin Falls to exchange him for the twins. I am looking forward to that but can honestly say I don't want him to leave. He was so good and I hope maybe we can do it again before the summer is out.


LittleFamilyJL said...

What a fun trip!
Man, maybe I'll come visit you if I can have all fun too! :)

Carlson Clan said...

He looks so much like Ty in the first picture. I'm glad you had a good time with him. Love the pictures he took! I wish I could've seen you in Twin Falls. =( Maybe next time. Love you!